Luigi's Cafe. The TV is on with the sound off in the corner. HARRY (late 30s) and his supervisor KENNY (early 40s) are having breakfast. Hard hats on the chairs beside them, newspapers open on the table, occasional conversation about a TV programme. HARRY is reading the sport, KENNY is doing a Sudoku puzzle in the London Paper. Just like The One About Kevin Keegan.
Meanwhile, as before, CRYSTAL sits quietly in the corner with a cup of tea, in her trademark faded wedding dress and veil pushed up, reading 'The Secrets of Solitary Witches - And How To Make Your Spells Work.' LUIGI (50s, balding) is reading the newspaper behind the counter, whilst his daughter ROSALINDA (20) slaves away.
.. The Government's got it wrong there.
They come over here, they're hard-
working. They've no embarrassment
about working in Tesco. That English
bloke wouldn't be seen dead working in
a factory.
It's changed since I was a kid. Nowadays
anyone can get a job. It might be a crappy
job, but they don't want 'em. You'd go out
and get a job, wouldn't you? And it wasn't
always that easy, sometimes there was a
shortage of them.
The Lithuanians, the Slovakians, the Poles,
they want to work, they want the money.
You know where you are with them.
Kids today just want to stay at home. They
won't go out unless they're earning the
same as their mum and dad, who've been
working all their lives.
(To LUIGI) What do you think of the
Poles, Luigi?
(Looking up from his newspaper) Uh?
The Poles? (He shrugs) Baffi grosso.
(He goes back to reading)
HARRY, after a moment, looks to ROSALINDA for enlightenment.
Big moustaches. Not nice for kissing.
(A moment) And the older ones are
Temperamental, you mean? (A moment)
Unlike the Italians ..
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