Saturday, May 17, 2008

The One About The Chechen Guerilla

We see CRYSTAL in The Upper Court, overlooking Central West. Crossing her path is a tall, large man in army camouflage.  She notices that the lace on one of his boots is loose.   Being the busybody that she is, she scuttles to catch up with him.

Excuse me.

The man - who looks like a CHECHEN REBEL - stops.

Your lace is loose.

The CHECHEN REBEL looks at her, and then looks down. He has a lugubrious manner.  He looks at his boots, and then looks at CRYSTAL.

Awful things can happen with that
sort of thing.  I know.  Believe me.

The CHECHEN REBEL looks at her, thinking, and decides not to kill her.

(Oblivious to the danger she is in)
Believe me dear, I know.

The lugubrious CHECHEN REBEL walks off. 

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