Luigi's Cafe. A different angle on The One About Crystal's Memory. We focus on HARRY (late 30s) and his supervisor KENNY (early 40s). Hard hats at the side, papers in front of them as they eat. KENNY is playing Sudoku in the London Paper while HARRY is reading the sport. In the background, we see CRYSTAL and JOSEPH - as ROSALINDA takes JOSEPH's order - and elsewhere, LENA and her friend SARAH, both in their 20s. The TV on in the corner.
(Reading) "Sister Josephine Matthews
said there's nothing wrong calling him a
Messiah. 'I don't think Jesus would mind,'
she said." (A moment. He looks up at
KENNY) I beg to differ. Jesus will mind,
in my opinion, if our Kev isn't any good. (He
looks down again to read the paper)
King Kev, it says here, hasn't watched a
single game in three years. (After a moment,
he looks up at KENNY again) He went in and
talked to the team at half-time, told them
not to worry about that. (A moment) Call
me old-fashioned, but doesn't that mean
you know fuck all?
Don't knock Special K. Jimmy put a
bet on him becoming manager. Just
over a week ago. Which no one saw
coming. (A moment) Not even Shearer.
Won four and a half fucking grand.
You're shitting me?
He put some money on Shearer as well ..
He hit the jackpot there.
HARRY goes back to reading the sports news, and KENNY goes back to his Sudoku. Commentary from the TV wafts in:
"The Home Secretary said that an
effective response to terrorism could
never depend only on government
and the police .."
(To KENNY, but his head down reading
again) Havant are the only non-League
club left in the FA Cup. They're 100-1 to
beat Liverpool. And 10,000-1 to win the
Cup. (He looks up at KENNY again)
What do you think?
Haven't a hope.
(A moment. Deadpan) That's
good. 'Haven't a hope.'
Hello Paul
Very funny blog. I will put you on my blog roll. Now you have to write 8 random things... Go to my site for details.
Cheers Sarah
I'm on my way ...
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